Sports Camps FAQ
I'm concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic. Can I get a refund if I feel that sending my child to camp isn't safe?
Yes. Our standard refund policy remains in place, which is described below:
- At least 4 weeks prior to the start of camp – 100% Refund
- At least 3 weeks prior to the start of camp – 75% Refund
- At least 2 weeks prior to the start of camp – 50% Refund
- At least 1 week prior to the start of camp – 25% Refund
The Athletics Department will be sending out an update at least 4 weeks prior to the start of camps, at which point we will make the final decision on whether proceeding with camps will be safe according to the guidelines set out by the Government of Manitoba. If camps have to be cancelled, all registrants will receive full refunds.
I am planning to attend a morning and afternoon camps on the same week. During the one-hour lunch break (in between the camps) where will the campers eat lunch and will there be supervision?
Absolutely! Lunch breaks generally take place at the picnic benches at the North Campus courtyard (next to the CMU gym) or in the Great Hall in case of bad weather. All full-time camps staff will eat their lunches with the campers and morning coaches will stay each day until 12:30pm, when afternoon coaches take over until 4:30pm.
In case of an emergency, how can I contact my son or daughter?
In your registration package, as well as on the morning of registration, our camp staff will provide you with a list of cell phone numbers for the counselors, coaches and staff that will be working with your children.
What should we bring?
A water bottle, snack (possibly a lunch) and the equipment you need for your sport.
For volleyball camps: Clothes appropriate for volleyball, kneepads (optional) a water bottle and a snack.
For basketball camps: Clothes appropriate for basketball, a water bottle and a snack.
Two half-day camps: Clothes appropriate for your daily activities. A water bottle, two snacks and a lunch.
When and how will I receive confirmation of the registration and how will I receive my receipt?
An email will be sent out to you shortly after we receive your registration in the mail or online, letting you know that you have indeed been accepted and that information on your camp will be emailed out shortly. Receipts will be available at the time of drop-off on day one or can be sent home with the camper after the first day of camp.